Coach Sando Training

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3 Step Guide: Choosing the Best Food for your Body

What should I eat??

If that isn’t the question of the century - I really don’t know what is.

Brian St. Pierre is the Director of Nutrition at Precision Nutrition, and he created a SUPER handy 3 step process and a visual guide that helps you create a customized healthy eating menu FAST. And the best part? It’s not a diet with crazy limitations.

Diets are inherently trouble - they (generally) have restrictions that are in NO WAY sustainable. I want my riders to be eating in a way that gives them the fuel they need to ride and compete, but not be so rigid you can’t follow it for longer than a few days or weeks at most. This guide is about what foods you should eat more of, what foods you should eat some of and what foods you should eat less of.

I talk to my riders about nutrition a lot, and I get so many questions about what’s good for them and what’s bad for them. We all know broccoli is good for us. Duh! And we all know that super double chunky fudge triple dip ice cream probably isn’t the best. Sad! But what about everything in the middle?

The other confusion comes from how to classify foods. There are three major types (I also referenced in my blog “What Every Rider Should Know About Nutrition”:

  1. Fats

  2. Carbohydrates

  3. Proteins

You may know the definitions, but what do they look like in real foods? Are nuts a protein or a fat? Are black beans a carb or a protein?

The guide I want you save (links below) will help you with all of these questions AND help you create a plan based on your individual lifestyle, likes, dislikes and based on where you are in your fitness journey.

Did you check it out yet? Take a few minutes to do that now.

One of the main themes of the guide? Eating WHOLE FOODS. The closer “whatever you’re putting in your body” is to a natural, real-live food? The better! And now that you’ve taken some time to digest the guide - go back to part three and create a guide that is unique to your likes and dislikes. This is going to help you out so much as you’re creating your grocery list each week. And this part may change and evolve as you want to incorporate more variety. And that’s great!

I know this is a lot to digest (PUN INTENDED). So please feel free to contact me with questions using the button below. Now let’s get after it!